Seema Setu Madhavan Received The Award

Seema Setumadhavan from Faridabad won the title by making delicious 'Methi Dana curry'
- Over800entriesfrom24Statesand4UnionTerritoriesshowcaserichculinaryheritage
- Diversecategoriesandrenownedjudgeselevatetraditionalandinnovativerecipes
Glenmark Foundation, in collaboration with Idobro Impact Solutions, announced the successful conclusion of the sixth season of the “MeriPoushtikRasoi” cooking contest. This panIndiainitiativeaimedatcombatingmalnutritionthroughthecelebrationandpromotionofnutrition-rich native recipes, empowering communities nationwide to embrace healthier eating habits.
- Over800entriesfrom24statesandfourunionterritories,spanning250+townsandcities,including entries from Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and first-time participation from Jammu &
- A surge in submissions from individuals aged 50 to 65 highlights the widespread commitment to improving nutrition across generations.
- Participants showcased their culinary prowess across four categories – NGOs, Professionals, Students, and Open/Individuals
- A rigorous selection process that culminated in 25 finalists competing in a grand cook-off at the RamanathPayyade College of Hospitality Management Studies, Mumbai
- A distinguished grand jury, including Celebrity Chef GautamMehrisihiAnuradhaShekhar, Ex Vice Principal of Dr. BMN College and Chef YogeshUtekar, Principal RPH Institute of Hospitality Studies, evaluated the recipes, focusing on nutrition, innovation, and passion for cooking.

Speaking on this initiative, Cheryl Pinto, Executive Director – Corporate Services, Glenmark PharmaceuticalsLtd.said,“AtGlenmarkFoundation, wearecommittedtopreservingandcelebratingour rich food heritage, often overshadowed by modern lifestyles. Through ‘MeriPoushtikRasoi,’ we have witnessedtheprofoundimpactoftraditionalcookinginaddressingcriticalhealthissueslikemalnutrition. This initiative transcends recipes; it’s catalyst for a significant shift towards healthier eating habits, while shedding light on the nutritional challenges our communities face. By fostering dialogue and promoting sustainable food cultures, we strive for a lasting, transformative impact on individuals, families, and communities nationwide.”
AnuradhaShekhar, Retired Principal of Dr BNM College and Member of the Jury said, “The recipes were not only visually impressive but were also highly nutritious, innovative, and made with love. The finalists truly displayed their passion for cooking and nutrition, making it a tough decision for the judges to select the winners”.
KaronShaiva, Chief Impact Officer & MD, Idobro Impact Solutions said, “MeriPoustikRasoi exemplifies collaboration among the 4 key stakeholder groups required to multiply impact – Industry, Civil Society, Academia and Government in the next stage.But beyond legal identities, it is even more important to understand the role each plays to ensure mutual respect and trust for long term outcomes.

- NGOCategory:PawanKumarfromGujaratwith’MilletGuttaCurry’.
- ProfessionalCategory:SabitaMohalikfromJharkhandwith’MoringaDrumstickPulpPattiesand Banana Flower Chutney’.
- OpenCategory:SeemaSethumadhavanfromUttarPradeshwith’MethiDanaSabzi’.
- StudentCategory:SalihaChaudharyfromMaharashtrawith’RagiMuddeSoppuSarruandPalya’.
The contest provided a platform for individuals from all walks of life to showcase their culinary skills and promote healthy eating habits. Glenmark Foundation’s holistic approach to fighting malnutrition targets children,pregnant,andlactatingmothers,usinga360-degreeapproachtofightingmalnutritionviadifferent programs and interventions.
Themed around ‘Healthier Children, Healthier World’, Glenmark Foundation, the CSR arm of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, is actively working towards improving maternal and child health. Glenmark Foundation aimstoencourageapositivehealthseekingbehavioramongpregnantwomenandmotherswithinfants,and caregivers towards right nutrition including – good hygiene practices and ensuring complete immunization for children. Along with its NGO partners, the foundation has undertaken several community programs focused towards reducing infant and child mortality among the vulnerable population groups. The various interventionsinchildhealtharespreadacrossMadhyaPradesh,Maharashtra,HimachalPradesh,Sikkimand Gujarat in India. The Foundation has also taken up the cause of creating a Sustainable livelihood for the marginalized and improving access to healthcare through its other programs.The foundation’s CSR interventions have impacted more than 3 million lives over the last decade.
Idobroisasocialenterprisethatfacilitatesanactiveanddeepermodelofengagementtomapandimplement market-basedsolutionsthrougha5-stepprocesstoInform,Interface,Interact,Integrate,andImpact.Idobro seeksto“multiplyopportunitiesandpartnershipsforwomen,socialandgreeninitiativestoaccessmarkets, buildcapacity,createlinkagesanddeliversolutionsforsocio-environomicimpact”.Idobroprovidesresearch, linkages,mobilization,stakeholderrelations,projectimplementation,andevaluationbasedontheobjectives andstageofmaturityoftheinitiatives/enterprise.Idobrohasorganizedover2000 eventengagementdayson social issues and has been associated with projects such asCommunication Catalyst 2018, Sandvik India Diversity Awards 2017,RISE Summit 2016, Asia Pacific Housing Forum 2015, Global Economic Summit 2014,Maha Infra Summit 2013, Evaluation Conclave 2013, IMPACT EXPO 2012, USAID MBPH – Health Confluence 2012, Innovation for India Awards 2012, SEARCC 2011 Asia Pacific Conference, World Bank – IFC India Development Marketplace 2011, Marico Innovation Foundation workshops, International Poverty Conference 2011, Intellecap – Sankalp andSrijan Forums and IRFT – Pro- Sustain Launch in India. We work with leading institutes – international and national for events, interns and volunteers.
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